A citywide celebration of Xicanx arts & culture.

Xicanx Month is a commemoration of the Chicano Arts Movement that holds its roots right here in San Antonio. Xicanx Month will not just be an event; it pays tribute to the cultural legacy that has shaped our community. The Chicano Arts Movement, with its origins in San Antonio, has played a pivotal role in shaping the cultural identity of our city. Xicanx Month seeks to honor and build upon this legacy through a series of collaborative events, exhibitions, and performances throughout the month of August.

We use Xicanx to refer to Chicano, Chicana, and Chicanx. The term reflects those who fought for and claim this designation and incorporates the ‘X’ from the Spanish transcription of the Nahuatl sound ‘ch’. Nahuatl is one of the major Indigenous languages in Mexico. The ‘x’ on the end signals gender-neutral and non- binary inclusivity.

Image: Cruz Ortiz, Carlos Espinosa, 8 Stages of the Life of a Chicana, detail, 1995 (Restoration: 1999).

When does Xicanx month take place?
Xicanx Month will officially be held for the entire month of August.

Who can participate?
If you’re hosting an event or program in August 2024 that relates to Xicanx arts and culture, we invite you to join us in this city-wide celebration. To participate, please add your event to the Department of Arts & Culture’s event calendar. Download our Info Packet for more information.

Xicanx Month is a vibrant, community-led celebration! Each organization may individually fund and create their own unique events and programming. No matter how big or small, we can’t wait to celebrate with you.

Join these committed partners!